SIGPLAN-AV is a subcommitee of SIGPLAN whose goal is to centralize the efforts of finding innovative and cost effective ways to:

  1. enable remote participation (hybridization of conferences), and;
  2. record conference talks for archival

Current Members

  1. Bhakti Shah
  2. Chris Lam
  3. Jan-Paul Ramos
  4. John Hui
  5. Zixian Cai
  6. Guilherme Espada
  7. Apoorv Ingle

Past Members

  1. Lief Anderson
  2. Benjamin Chung (and many more)

For general chairs

If you are a general chair of a SIGPLAN conference and are interested in working with SIGPLAN-AV, please email

SIGPLAN owns enough hardware (laptops, cameras and microphones) which can be used to setup streaming and recording of upto 8 parallel co-located events.

It is advisable to include the AV team atleast 3 months in advance, ideally before the contract with the conference venue is finalized to enable smooth functioning.

For Prospective members

If you are interested in helping us, we are always looking for more volunteers to help us at conferences! Please get in touch with us using the above email.