SIGPLAN CARES Annual Report: 2020

In SIGPLAN CARES’ first full year of operation, 2020, members of the CARES committee attended five conferences, including POPL 2020, PLDI 2020, ICFP 2020, OOPSLA 2020 and HPCA/PPOPP/CGO 2020 (in collaboaration with SIGARCH/SIGMICRO CARES). At POPL 2020, we had conversations in-person in the lobby with interested community members to spread the word about our mission and service to the community. The other conferences were virtual due to COVID-19. At each virtual conference, we hosted a pair of 30-minute CARES zoom sessions to advertise our presence and answer community questions. Attendance at such sessions varied, but was typically between 5-20 attendees, with the median closer to 5. We also advertised our presence at the PLDI and ICFP program committee meetings.

Outside of ACM conferences and events, individual CARES committee members were contacted by community members fewer than 10 times throughout the year.