In 2022, individual SIGPLAN CARES committee members were contacted confidentially by between 5 and 15 community members throughout the year. Such contacts sometimes led to extended conversations. With more people coming back to conferences in person in 2022, It appears the need for SIGPLAN CARES has grown.
Members of the CARES committee represented CARES at four conferences in 2022, namely POPL 2022, PLDI 2022, ICFP 2022, and SPLASH 2022. Attendance specifics are listed on the CARES website. The presence of CARES was advertised at the opening of the conference through the general chair’s presentation.
We have received open, public feedback from a number of members of the community expressing the fact that they appreciate the creation of the committee—they view it as a sign that the programming languages community takes community climate and our code of conduct seriously. The fact the committee has received confidential contacts is also evidence that the community would like mechanisms to discuss matters of harassment, discrimination, or ethics in private.