LCTES 2016- Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, Tools, and Theory for Embedded Systems

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Dynamic Translation and Iterative Compilation

Efficient asynchronous interrupt handling in a full-system instruction set simulator

Code cache management in managed language VMs to reduce memory consumption for embedded systems

A graph-based iterative compiler pass selection and phase ordering approach

SESSION: Loop and Dataflow Analysis

Translation validation of loop and arithmetic transformations in the presence of recurrences

Loop-oriented array- and field-sensitive pointer analysis for automatic SIMD vectorization

Generalized cache tiling for dataflow programs

SESSION: Worst-Case Analysis and Error Handling

Symbolic execution for memory consumption analysis

TIC: a scalable model checking based approach to WCET estimation

Compensate or ignore? meeting control robustness requirements through adaptive soft-error handling

SESSION: Computation Partitioning

Opportunity for compute partitioning in pursuit of energy-efficient systems

Compiling a gesture recognition application for a low-power spatial architecture

A machine learning approach to mapping streaming workloads to dynamic multicore processors