LCTES 2017- Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Compiler Optimization for Embedded Systems

AOT vs. JIT: impact of profile data on code quality

Adaptive optimization for OpenCL programs on embedded heterogeneous systems

Auto-vectorization for image processing DSLs

Dynamic translation of structured Loads/Stores and register mapping for architectures with SIMD extensions

SESSION: Abstraction, Modelling, and Scheduling for IoT and Embedded Systems

Optimal functional unit assignment and voltage selection for pipelined MPSoC with guaranteed probability on time performance

Integrated IoT programming with selective abstraction

Towards SMT-based LTL model checking of clock constraint specification language for real-time and embedded systems

Integrating task scheduling and cache locking for multicore real-time embedded systems

SESSION: Non-volatile Memory/Processor and RTOS

Towards memory-efficient processing-in-memory architecture for convolutional neural networks

Unified nvTCAM and sTCAM architecture for improving packet matching performance

A lightweight progress maximization scheduler for non-volatile processor under unstable energy harvesting

OSEK-V: application-specific RTOS instantiation in hardware