SPLASH '14- Proceedings of the companion publication of the 2014 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, and Applications: Software for Humanity

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Invited & keynote talks

Software security: a study in technology transfer

Machine learning for programming

Humane representation of thought: a trail map for the 21st century

SESSION: Doctoral submissions

Diagnosing degenerate forms in software

Structured source retrieval for improving softwaresearch during program comprehension tasks

High-performance language interoperability in multi-language runtimes

HCI metacomputing: universal syntax, structured editing, and deconstructible user interfaces

An approach to safely evolve program families in C

When importless becomes meaningful


Pocket code: a scratch-like integrated development environment for your phone

Omen: a tool for synthesizing tests for deadlock detection

Agile programming with executable models: an open-source, standards-based eclipse environment


East meets west: the influences of geography on software production

Privacy and security in a networked world

SESSION: Student research competition


Searching for answers: an exploratory study of the formation, use, and impact of queries during debugging

HJ-Viz: a new tool for visualizing, debugging and optimizing parallel programs

Detecting design similarity patterns using program execution traces

Enhancing conformance checking for contract-based programs

Self-adaptive parallel programming through tunable concurrency

Taming the dynamic behavior of JavaScript

SESSION: Wavefront

Avoiding the software development apocalypse through continuous build and test

WORKSHOP SESSION: Co-located workshop summaries

AGERE!: programming based on actors, agents, and decentralized control

DSLDI 2014: second workshop on domain specific languages design and implementation

DSM'14: the 14th workshop on domain-specific modeling

ETX'14: 2014 workshop on eclipse technology exchange

FPW'14: future programming workshop

MobileDeli'14 workshop: welcome message of the chairs

2nd workshop on programming for mobile and touch: PROMOTO 2014

First international workshop on privacy and security in programming (PSP)

SEPS 2014: first international workshop on software engineering for parallel systems

TD 2014: workshop on technical debt in a world of big data and big teams

WOSC 2014: second workshop on optimizing stencil computations

WORKSHOP SESSION: Post Conference Workshop Summaries

A Summary of the First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Parallel Systems

REBLS'14: 2014 Workshop Reactive and Event-based Languages & Systems (Post Conf. Workshop Summary)

TD 2014: Workshop on Technical Debt in a World of Big Data and Big Teams